in conjunction with Royal Melbourne Show All Breeds Championship Show
Judge: Mr Bo Skanlin (Sweden)
Venue: Royal Melbourne Show, Epsom Road, Ascot Vale, Victoria, 3782
DATE: Friday 30th September
TIME: 9am. Please note Exhibitors must be there before 9am and must bench all day until 5pm.
Closing Date for Paper Entries: 18th September Closing date for online: 22nd September.
Schedule for General Classes:
1 Baby Dog, 2 Minor Dog, 3 Puppy Dog, 4 Junior Dog, 5 Intermediate Dog, 10 Australia Bred Dog, 11 Open Dog
1A Baby Bitch, 2A Minor Bitch, 3A Puppy Bitch, 4A Junior Bitch, 5A Intermediate Bitch, 10A Australian Bred Bitch, 11A Open Bitch
Entry Fees General Classes:
MEMBERS: $20 First Entry, $17 Subsequent Entry. $15 Baby Puppy, Subsequent $12. Free catalogue with your entries.
NON MEMBERS: $25 First Entry, $23 Subsequent Entry. $18 Baby Puppy, $15 Subsequent Entry. Free catalogue with your entries.
Cash and Sash for all IN SHOW AWARDS
Entries: Online entries via Easy Dog Entries. Paper entries and payment to be sent to: Jodie Greene, SHCH Inc, 1900 Wellington Road, Clemantis, Victoria, 3782
Payments: Cheque/Money Order to be made payment to the Siberian Husky Club of Victoria.
Judge: Mrs S Langford (VIC)
Venue: Bulla Exhibition Centre, 5 United Lane, Bulla, Victoria, 3782
DATE: Sunday 30th October
TIME: 9am.
Closing Date for Paper Entries = 27th October
Closing Date for Online Entries = 17th October
Schedule for General Classes:
1 Baby Dog, 3 Puppy Dog, 4 Junior Dog, 5 Intermediate Dog, 10 Australia Bred Dog, 11 Open Dog, 12 Veteran Dog, 18 Open Neuter
1A Baby Bitch, 3A Puppy Bitch, 4A Junior Bitch, 5A Intermediate Bitch, 10A Australian Bred Bitch, 11A Open Bitch, 18A Open Neuter
Entry Fees General Classes:
MEMBERS: $15 First Entry, $12 Subsequent Entry. $10 Baby Puppy, Subsequent $8. Free catalogue.
NON MEMBERS: $18 First Entry, $15 Subsequent Entry. $12 Baby Puppy, $10 Subsequent Entry. Free catalogue.
Prizes: Prizes and Sash for all IN SHOW AWARDS
Entries: Online entries via Easy Dog Entries. Paper entries and payment to be sent to: Jodie Greene, SHCH Inc, 1900 Wellington Road, Clemantis, Victoria, 3782
Payments: Cheque/Money Order to be made payment to the Siberian Husky Club of Victoria.
Judge: Ms T Mol (WA)
Venue: Bulla Exhibition Centre, 5 United Lane, Bulla, Victoria, 3782
DATE: Sunday 30th October
TIME: 10am
Closing Date for Paper Entries: 18th September. Closing date for online: 22nd September.
Schedule for General Classes:
1 Baby Dog, 2 Minor Dog, 3 Puppy Dog, 4 Junior Dog, 5 Intermediate Dog, 10 Australia Bred Dog, 11 Open Dog, 12 Veteran Dog, 18 Open Neuter
1A Baby Bitch, 2A Minor Bitch, 3A Puppy Bitch, 4A Junior Bitch, 5A Intermediate Bitch, 10A Australian Bred Bitch, 11A Open Bitch, 12A Veteran Bitch, 18A Open Neuter (Please note Veterans must be entire to compete for CC)
Property Classes:
Best Sled Dog, Best Gait, Best Ears, Best Tail, Best Coat, Best Owner Breeder Handler $2.00 on the day.
Entry Fees General Classes:
MEMBERS: $20 First Entry, $18 Subsequent Entry. $14 Baby Puppy, Subsequent $12. All members received a free catalogue.
NON MEMBERS: $25 First Entry, $23 Subsequent Entry. $17 Baby Puppy, $15 Subsequent Entry. Free catalogue.
Prizes: Prizes and Sash for all IN SHOW AWARDS
Entries: Online entries via Easy Dog Entries. Paper entries and payment to be sent to: Jodie Greene, SHCH Inc, 1900 Wellington Road, Clemantis, Victoria, 3782
Payments: Cheque/Money Order to be made payment to the Siberian Husky Club of Victoria.